Crazy man says, all elected officials and government employees should have to live under the same rules we do. It's a bold statement, but it's rooted in a desire for fairness and equality. Crazy man says, we gotta clean up the government first. Picture this, a politician can only collect campaign financing from permanent residents of their district. No outside influence, pure representation.
Campaign Financing Reform
Imagine a world where politicians are truly accountable to the people they represent. By restricting campaign financing to permanent residents of a politician's district, we can eliminate the undue influence of outside money and ensure that elected officials are focused on their constituents. No more catering to big donors or special interest groups; the focus would be solely on the needs and desires of the people.
Accountability and Consequences
And what about those who break the rules and accept bribes? Crazy man says they ought to face the music just like any other citizen. Politicians who engage in corrupt practices should be held accountable and face the same legal consequences as anyone else. No more special treatment or immunity from prosecution. This would create a government that is truly transparent and accountable.
Term Limits and Age Limits
Crazy man insists on term limits and age limits for all government positions. Why? To keep the representation fresh, dynamic, and in touch with the people. Term limits would prevent career politicians from becoming too entrenched in their positions, ensuring that new ideas and perspectives are continually brought to the table. Age limits would ensure that our representatives are physically and mentally capable of performing their duties effectively.
Supreme Court Inclusion
Even the Supreme Court should not be an exception to these age limits. The highest court in the land should also be subject to rules that keep it in touch with the evolving needs and values of society. This would prevent the court from becoming out of touch or overly influenced by any single era or ideology.
A Vision for the Future
Crazy Man's vision is clear. A government by the people, for the people, and of the people, and that's it. It's about creating a system where the focus is on us, the people, not the lobbyists. It's about ensuring that our elected officials are truly representative of the diverse and dynamic population they serve. By implementing term limits, age limits, and campaign finance reforms, we can build a government that is more accountable, more transparent, and more in tune with the needs of the people.
In conclusion, it's time to take a hard look at our government and make some necessary changes. Crazy man's ideas may seem radical, but they are rooted in a desire for fairness, accountability, and true representation. By implementing these changes, we can create a government that is more effective, more responsive, and more aligned with the values of the people it serves. It's time for a government that truly works for us.